Thursday, July 5, 2012

Your dad is a terrorist

Unpublished Draft from April 30th, 2011. I was really pissed off and had to show up in court for my dad's eviction hearing the day after I finished my last exam of the semester. Dude, I was pissed.

Black dude is the president of the United States. Can reactionary morons give middle easterners a break now or do we still need racism to divide and conquer? Believe me; I find ignorance just as funny as the next guy but to have the owner of my dad's building file a report that my dad claims to being a terrorist and part of the "resistance" is kind of a joke right?

Right?! Fuck are people actually this stupid and are assholes big enough to think the police and courts in Canada will forfeit reason because they have money? Of course! People will use whatever they can to fuck others into gaining control. It's fun, right? Us versus them. Besides, fuck them! They are saying the same thing about us. Natural selection plays dirty. Right? Survival of the shittiest bunghole. You're in the right as long as you stand beside me and we keep our stories straight until I have to fuck you over when it gets between me and you. Right?

We'll stab each other in the back until it's the last one standing because I want to buy all that shit and fuck you.

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